Photos from the Book Max and Dixie at Panorama, 1973Max, age 80, 2012Dixie in high school, 1955Max in military, 1954Max and Dixie’s wedding, 1956Wedding with parents, Russel and Maud Edwards and Joe and Pauline BrumfieldMax with Jay and Jan, circa 1963Max and Dixie and Family, circa 1963Dixie’s choir at New Liberty, the Sunbeams, circa 1965MFM Action cover, 1967Max and Dixie, 1967Peaceful Valley Church, circa 1967Crusade trip to Brazil, 1967Farm sale flyer, 1968Missionary Internship, the Central Singables choir at Freewill Baptist Church, 1969On the ship headed to Brazil, January 1970Opening barrels after arrival in Campinas, 1970After putting together the motorcycle brought across the ocean in pieces!Panorama Camp entrance, 1971The family after arrival in Panorama, 1971The 3 Js singing in a tent church, 1971The family, 1971First record cover, 1972Panorama house, circa 1972Max and others holding snake skin, circa 1972Max holding a snake, circa 1972Dixie teaching Sunday school at the local brick factory, circa 1972Walking to Sunday school, circa 1972On the Parana River, circa 1972Playing in the River, circa 1972Playing in the River, circa 1972Campers having fun at Panorama Camp, circa 1972The 4 Js, 1973Work crew at Panorama, circa 1973Family photo, 19734 J’s photo, on OMS magazine, 1975In front of the red Panorama Camp truck, circa 1975Second record cover, 1976Campers at Camp Shalom, 1978Max supervising construction at Camp Shalom, circa 1981Max and Dixie’s 25th anniversary, Camp Shalom, 1981Camp Shalom Chapel, 2000São Saverio church front, circa 1982São Saverio baptism, circa 1982Going to Mexico; MFM Action cover, 1990Mexico, circa 1991Work in Mozambique, MFM Action cover, 1997Max in MFM, with Dale Larrance and Dave Fisher, 2008Danna Jo Dormer Matsuki, the author of this book, with her Grandparents, 200750th anniversary, 2006Max, Dixie, Jay, Jan, Jeff and Joe, 2015Edwards family photo, 2015